Luke's Liza Girl

Diamonds Paladin Tryarr Diamondback Redbolt Ruffian Sky Bolt of Har-Wyn Sky King of Har-Wyn
Ruffian Cheeta of Har-Wyn
Tryarr Strawberry Fields Ruffian Red Rock of Har-Wyn
Topstaff Willynwood Goldy
Tryarr Blue Diamond Herk's Harper Ruffian Red Rock of Har-Wyn
Tryarr Deadly Nightshade
Tryarr Iron Butterfly ???
Rebel's Little Chata Gallant Rebel Rouser Gallant Pistol Pete Gallant Kimbo
Rebel's Jess
Gallant Betsy Robertson's Long Survivor
Gallant Go Go
Azul's Celestial Whisper Drummer Azul Noche ???
Tryarr Silvery Moon ???